Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Chronogram: Final Film

Still a work in progress, this is the Chronogram for the Final Film as it stands. The purpose of this Chronogram is to illustrate the proposed camera movement around the site; it is important for the project to show the scheme in the context of its surroundings. This incorporates some of the earlier work I did in referencing the abundance of food outlets - the photographic mapping.  The intention is to compile 16 stills to be used in the film, with additional moving footage taken of the site this weekend which will incorporate some of the renders of the factory - mainly high level. I will also introduce some of the earlier 3D animation and some additional internal animatics- these will make up the final quarter of the film.

Nice to have the APS out of the way!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Trabecular Structure

After my final Crit, there was a unanimous decision that the word 'BONE' should not be used in describing the 'Bio Platform' (this also needs further consideration) this is the white mass seen in the previous drawings, which were based on microscopic bone structures. After researching intently on this subject over the last few hours I have come to the conclusion the term for this massing will be Trabecular Structure. This term directly relates to the form of structure found in bones. The Trabecular Structure is still a controlled bi-product of the In-Vitro Meat factory, forming semi-transparent porous structures that can in-turn be inhabited, utilised and managed.

Film Still No.2

Another still i am currently working on..

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Here is the film prepared for the FInal Crit, although I have just found out we have another Crit next Thursday. Preparing some more footage and Professional Studies report..


...Its been a while, been a bit busy getting married. Here is the work I did before break. I will upload new stuff tomorrow.